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Level B: Chillin’ On The Black Keys

By Andrea and Trevor Dow

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Chillin’ On The Black Keys is a pre-reading resource that is leveled for early primer piano students. Children using this book will gain confidence using finger numbers to play quarter, half, and whole notes on black keys.

Inside you will discover 8 loveable piano pieces with lyrics, rhythm reading games, finger number exercises, a note printing activity, a coloring activity, a practice tracker, and a certificate of achievement.

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A Look Inside
the Piano Book


As always, the resources from Wunderkeys are well-loved in our music studio!

Wonderful beginner book for reinforcing finger numbers and basic note values. The songs and activities are super for kids in elementary school. This would be a great addition to any primer level series, or as a "bridge" before moving to note reading on the staff.

As always, the resources from Wunderkeys are well loved in our music studio! This resource is filled with black key pieces that support finger independence, ignite musical creativity and allow for loads of hands on learning for piano beginners.

Andrea never disappoints. All of her resources are so helpful and well done. Love this book and so do my students.