How To Make Your Piano Studio The Hippest This Halloween

If you want to keep your piano studio hip and your teaching schedule hoppin’ then you’ll want to be posting regularly about your music lessons on Facebook.

Even if you don’t have a dedicated Facebook page, sharing a little about your piano teaching on your personal social media pages will make sure that you are first person people reach out to when they want lessons for their kids.

But what can you post that will get noticed? Well, we’ve got that covered for you!

Below we are sharing a collection of adorable piano-themed social media images that you can post to your Facebook page. And, because Halloween is just around the corner we’ve included some pretty cute Halloween-themed images in there too 🙂

Piano Studio Social Media Pack
Download Today’s Resource

To download the Social Media Pack click on the image below. Because this is a large file, the images will be downloaded onto your computer in a ZIP file. Right click the file and select “Extract All” to access the images.

Also, while you’re here, don’t forget to check out our WunderKeys Method Books on Amazon. As one teacher recently commented, our Primer series is “hands down the best, most fun, simplest-to-use method books [she has] ever encountered.”

Buy the Method Books

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