Use This Note Reading Printable To Tackle Troubles In The Bass Clef

When piano students move out of Middle C position and into the C 5 Finger Scale for the first time, it is common for them to experience their first moments of note-reading frustration. While their right hands are hanging out with familiar keys and notes, their left hands are on an adventure of their own.

To avoid bass clef frustration, a note-by-note approach to learning is beneficial for young learners. It gives them the time and the repetition needed to remember each note’s position on the staff and the related key on the piano. And, when notes are presented one or two at a time, kids can easily compare and contrast new notes to other notes on the staff.

Today’s printable compares two bass clef notes that are commonly confused by young piano students: Bass D and Bass F. As they are both line notes, your piano students will likely need a lot of repetition to avoid confusing these two “trouble makers”.

Bass Note Penguins
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