Delight Your Preschool and Primer Students With Printable WunderKeys Finger Rings

In WunderKeys Preschool Book One your young students are introduced to “The Wunderbies” – five adorable animal characters (named after each finger on the hand) who take your students on story-based adventures throughout our entire preschool program.

The Wunderbies are used in place of finger numbers in the preschool books, allowing kids to tackle the early numeracy skills involved with rhythm and one-to-one correspondence without the added complication of numbers as labels. Once these early numeracy skills are mastered, WunderKeys students are then introduced to finger numbers in our primer series.

Today’s printable, which came from an idea submitted by a wonderful member of our Facebook group (thanks Drema!) allows you to create take-home finger rings to help your preschool students remember their finger names and your primer students remember their finger numbers. Simply print the activity out on cardstock and then cut out each ring. Finally, connect the sides of the rings with pieces of tape… and you’re ready to go!

WunderKeys Finger Rings
Download Today’s Printable

Click on the image below to download your copy of the WunderKeys Finger Rings printable.

And, if you haven’t done so already… introduce yourself to our WunderKeys Method Books. Opening your doors to preschool-aged piano students is a really effective way to build a thriving studio! With our low-to-no-prep format, you’ll be surprised at how easy it can be to teach preschool piano effectively! Check out our WunderKeys Method Books on Amazon

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