News From the WunderKeys Mail Bag

We love hearing from WunderKeys teachers near and far.  Our WunderKeys community is rapidly growing and we receive lovely emails every day from teachers who are using the WunderKeys program with great success in their studios.

With the new year and new teachers starting the program we thought we’d share just a few of these messages.

Check out what WunderKeys teachers are saying below!

“It has only been 32 hours and I have 8 new students already booked for WunderKeys and I am waiting for days/times for at least a dozen more.  Plus I’ve also booked a few older students and an adult.  I am offering the four free weeks with no strings attached.  I wasn’t sure about that initially, but wow!  Your marketing piece is awesome and the concept is great.  So, here I sit with my two days I plan to teach filling in very nicely.  Thank you!” – C.Norquay

“My 3 WunderKeys students are doing wonderful that I started over 1 year ago.  They have now gone on to other methods and all practice 7 days a week.  Can you believe it?   They still have the enthusiasm.  I love your books, the pace and that fact that I can easily keep track of what they know.” – L. Lukowski

“I taught my first WunderKeys lesson today with a shy little 4 year old boy. I think it was a success! His mom told me later that he was showing off who each finger was and was singing the “tommy thumb” song but substituting with the WunderKeys characters. Thank you so much for all that you do!” – C. Ferreri

 “…So that’s an additional thirteen students since I found WunderKeys, and an additional income of £115 a week which will hopefully increase to £155 very soon.  I haven’t spent a penny on advertising, either. Thank you for being totally awesome.” – J. Robinson


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